Sun Seeker


When using solar panels to charge up batteries or other use, it is important to make sure the panel is exposed to the most sunlight. One technique is to make sure the panel is facing directly to the sun (similar to a sun flower.) But how can this be done? Students will be given a solar panel mounted on a motor that allows the panel to rotate back and forth on one axis. They will then be challenged to program the gogoboard to control the solar panel such that it always faces the direction with the brightest light.


Description Amount
Two solar panels mounted on a motor mechanism
A lamp to simulate the sun when working indoors
light sensors



Short Version (~30 min)

  • Students are briefly introduced to the project and what they are trying to do (3 min)
  • A quick demo of how to program the gogoboard (10 min)
  • Students gets their hands on the programming with close assistance by facilitators

Longer Version (2 hours)

  • Overview of project and the gogoboard (20-30 min)
  • During the hands on period, various tangents can be introduced. For example:
    • Program the panel to work with only one sensor instead of two (the default.)
  • Compare performance using a lamp (indoor) and the sun outdoors.


  • The activity can be done on a small table large enough for a computer and the solar mechanism.
  • If working indoors, ambient light should be low allowing the lamp to be the brightest light source.